Wow addon all the things open with lists collapsed
Wow addon all the things open with lists collapsed

wow addon all the things open with lists collapsed

These are some addons that are not completely essential but they are still very useful (or very nice, or very interesting) to me:ĬhatTimestamps, URL Copy, LevelRange, ChatCopy, AuctionSearchTimer, Theor圜raft, Outfitter, EQCompare, ColorSocialFrame, AutoDing, Corpse Info, CharacterMap, guildbank, ChatLog, SpecialTalentUI, SuperInspect, linkmend, QuestHistory, KillLog, RecipeRadar, ShaguNotify, ShaguKill, GryphonsRemover, unitscan, QuestAnnouncer, Alkitron_HonorTab, WhoFavorites, LootLink Enhanced, NotesUNeed, Chat Keys, MoveAnything, ToggleGatherĮVTCalendar, TimeManager, Niagara, CritLine Warrior: WarriorHUD, VF_WarriorAddon, Samuel, RageTracker Rogue: RogueFocus, PoisonPouch (from RoguePack), QuickLoot Mage, Druid, Priest, Palladin: AutoBuff, TopMeOff PVP addons: SaySapped_Extended, Sentry, Retarget, SpellAlert Raiding addons: BigWigs, CThunWarner, Decursive, XPerl UnitFrames, ZGLoot, BuffWatch, KLHThreatMeter, DPSMate, Interruptor

wow addon all the things open with lists collapsed

ModifiedPowerAuras, TargetFrameBuff, MobHealth2, Gatherer, OmniCC, ShaguScore, oGlow, WhoList_Fix, MapNotes3, BestBuff, Omnibus, ShaguClock, RingMenu, Ghost, crafty, Master Trade Skills v1.12, BookEnchants, SpellAlert, AuldLangSyne, ShaguJunk, FocusFrame, Vanilla-Farmer Not entirely essential but very important addons: PfQuest, EQ元, Mail, aux-addon, SUCC-bag, Atlas, LazyPig (replaces GrayAutoSell, QuickLoot), ShaguTweaks (replaces MapCoords, GrayAutoSell, ShaguValue, ShaguMount and many others), oCB2, Chronometer, Antagonist, Decursive (mage, druid, priest, paladin, shaman), CharactersViewer, ImprovedErrorFrame, MinimapButtonBag, Master Control Program (MCP) Nostalrius – Elysium – Kronos – VanillaGaming – – – CurseForge – WowInterface – Classic.WowHead GitHub List ( Local copy) – VADP – Addon-Community – wabc – VA20 – crazypoultry pack (descr) – laytya pack – Kronos – Elysium – Nostalrius For example inside “EQ元-master” there is the folder “EQ元” Sometimes the addon contains a sub-folder with the right name. For example rename folder “Mail-master” into “Mail”. If you download source, usually you have to rename the addon folder deleting the “-master” suffix.

wow addon all the things open with lists collapsed

If there is nothing in releases, then download source (green button “Code” then “Download ZIP”). IMPORTANT: When downloading an addon from GitHub, first look in Releases (in the right side of the window) to get the latest version. This is a list of essential Vanilla WoW addons.

Wow addon all the things open with lists collapsed